In a viral video making rounds online, Nollywood actress Bimbo Ademoye and others were left astonished when they encountered a doppelganger of actor Deyemi Okanlawon on a movie set. In the video, Bimbo Ademoye can be seen expressing her surprise at the striking resemblance between the doppelganger named Fred and Deyemi. She quickly informed the director about her discovery, leading him to inquire further.
Prompted by the director, Bimbo gestured towards Fred and commented on how closely he resembled Deyemi Okanlawon. She even asked Fred if anyone had ever mentioned the resemblance to him. Fred responded with laughter, mirroring Deyemi's exact smile.
The humorous moment captivated everyone present on the movie set, including Bimbo Ademoye, who joined in the laughter. Sharing the video, Deyemi himself took to social media and playfully asked his followers for their opinion on the resemblance. He humorously mentioned that he might need to make a call to someone if the resemblance was too uncanny.Clink here to watch video
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